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"Half a truth is often a great lie."
Benjamin Franklin
~ Airport Expansions Impact On Surrounding Communities ~
Airport Impact On Communities
NOTE: Federal Law prevents McClellan-Palomar from imposing a curfew!
If the McClellan-Palomar Airport expansion is not stopped, Palomar will become a 24/7 commercial and freight jet operation!
To prevent that from happening and protect your Health, Quality of Life and Property Value, c4fa has TWO lawsuits now active against San Diego County and ONE against the City of Carlsbad.
By Carlsbad signing the "Airport Mutual Cooperation Settlement Agreement" - at this point it looks like Carlsbad has thrown it residents under the bus (airplane)! Therefore, to maintain Carlsbad and its surrounding communities present quality of life, this fight is going to be long and expensive.
Consequently, c4fa will need your help. Go to to see how you can help.
The following list of just some of the many Nationwide and Local websites and Facebook sites available of communities protesting the FAA NextGEN flight path changes that has created daily misery in their communities. This list also include many more factual videos on what will be our communities daily misery if the airport expands.
- (lot of videos)
National Quiet Skies
- (also click this The Briefing Project link and go to Steve Edmiston's YEAR LONG 3 minutes at a time public comment section presentations in the open session part of the Seattle Sea-Tac Airport monthly Commissioners meetings.)
Sky Justice National Network
The Briefing Project
San Diego Air Route Forum
* To view videos, just click on the photos *
2016 Burbank - VOTE NO on NextGEN
November 2018
Burbank - Hollywood
Airport Protest
June 2019
Burbank - Hollywood
Airport Public Hearing
The Charade Continues
2018 - San Diego International received 103,727 Aircraft Noise Complaints from a 14 mile radius of the airport
July 15, 2019
Burbank Airport Commission
After two years the public has had it!
Sound level is extremely loud at first!
June 24, 2019
LA City Sues the FAA
over aircraft noise from LAX
December 12, 2019
LA City Sues the FAA
over aircraft noise from
Hollywood Burbank Airport
Public comments begin at 1:16:15
FACT - Hollywood Burbank Airport Noise Complaints just past 1,000,000 for 2019!

Projected 12 Mile Radius Aircraft Noise Map
If the approved expansion of McClellan-Palomar Airport (CRQ) is not stopped, this is the future of ALL residents within a 10 to 15 mile radius around CRQ.
Unfortunately, our city official do not seem to understand the true facts that are causing so much misery, health issues, property devaluation, etc. by the new FAA Nexgen System all over the WORLD.
June 4, 2019
Atlanta Airport
Neighbors claim jet traffic
noise increased in past year
April 6, 2019
John Wayne Airport Townhall meeting about the increasing aircraft noise and pollution
May 15, 2019
The FAA has received thousands of complaints from residents of Santa Cruz, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties
July 2016 - LA Times Expose
Planes' exhaust particulates could be harming communities up to 10 miles from LAX
May 4, 2019
Group of protesters outside of LA Mayor's home asking for the city to stop ignoring the LAX air traffic issue.
The protesters say, NextGEN and the FAA has destroyed Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Burbank, North Hollywood, Van Nuys and every other community in its way.. NextGEN HAS ruined OUR LIVES. I have lived in valley for 40 years, our city leaders are no where to be found...
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