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"Half a truth is often a great lie."
Benjamin Franklin

1970 Carlsbad
Resolution 1692
Carlsbad Journal June 14, 1980
The Palomar Airport Initiative Committee expects to hit the streets this week collecting signatures to place the matter of Palomar Airport expansion on the November ballot.
Supporters plan to collect the signatures of more than 3,000 voters by the end of July to qualify it for the ballot. In order to piggyback the initiative on the November election. 15 percent of the city's 19,215 registered voters must sign.
Anthony Skoinicki a committee member said if the initiative is approved by the voters it will enact an ordinance requiring the council to obtain permission from a majority of the electorate before taking steps to prepare for a second runway.
The basic text of the initiative reads as follows:
The City Council of the City of Carlsbad shall not approve any zone change, general plan amendment or any other legislative enactment necessary to authorize expansion of any airport in Carlsbad. Nor shall the city commence any action or spend any funds in anticipation of such approvals without having been first authorized to do so by the majority vote of the qualified electors of the city of Carlsbad voting at an election for such purpose.
During the coming weeks supporters will take petitions door to door and shopping areas of the city. A core group of 13 people have volunteered to coordinate the campaign throughout the city.
Among those who have volunteered to spearhead the movement are Vice Mayor Mary Caster and Councilman Claude "Bud" Lewis. Earlier this year the two council members launched an unsuccessful attempt to convince the council to place the issue before the voters.
Excerpt from a September 9, 2014, "hand delivered" package to Mayor Hall, each Carlsbad Council Member, Carlsbad City Manager and Carlsbad City Attorney. Mayor Hall has elected to wait until the county's new Airport Master Plan is available to review before deciding the city's course of action.
1975 - It has been reported, Carlsbad Mayor Robert Frazee sent a letter to the County Board of Supervisors saying Carlsbad was unalterably opposed to Palomar being used for commercial air-carrier activities.
1978 - September 25, PSA Flight 182 crashed and 144 souls were lost - SEE Enclosure for partial documentation on the cause of the tragic accident and you may understand the thinking of the time about CRQ.
1979 - Carlsbad and the County of San Diego started the process to formalize the land use conditions for CRQ. It has been reported the County presented Carlsbad a document for Carlsbad's consideration. That document with some modifications became Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 172.
1980 - Carlsbad City Council passed and implemented CUP 172 along with Ordinance 21.53.015 to protect its citizens' rights over CRQ. Ordinance 21.53.015 requires any change to the terms and conditions of CUP 172 required a majority vote of Carlsbad residents. Additionally, according to the accounts at the time, the County agreed with the formalized Ordinance and CUP 172 requirements.
2000 to the Present — Both the County and the FAA continually made promises to reduced the noise levels originating in and around CRQ. But, according to the County's records over the years, there have been tens of thousands of noise complaints — the majority ignored and left unanswered.
2000 to the Present —CRQ's dismal safety record has resulted in 19 Incidents with 15 Fatalities while at Lindbergh Field (NOT County owned) over the same time period, Incidents -10 and Fatalities - 1. When you consider Lindbergh Field had ONLY approximately 12,000 more operations during this period, you get an understanding of the financial exposure the County is placing on Carlsbad. Especially, when you consider Lindbergh Field's operations are much more complicated and intense than anything CRQ is prepared to manage on a daily basis.
2000 to the Present — Carlsbad, the County, the developers and the builders knew the County planned to expand the airport into a major regional airport servicing major commercial carriers, but never fully publicized that fact to any of the new home buyers who purchased property around the airport.
2004 - the Present — The County continually states it cannot prevent C-III planes from using CRQ. That is a true statement, but it is also true the County is supporting the C-III Class operation, in a B-II Class Airport. How else can the proliferation of the larger hangers to house the C-III Class jets be explained?
2014 — Carlsbad's new proposed 20 Year Plan has almost no mention of the airport and its planned expansion. It does have the typical traffic and increased pollution projections found in most city plans. However, the plan needs to account for the additional impact and cost expenditure CRQ will demand outside of the airport to support expansion inside of the airport.