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"Half a truth is often a great lie."
Benjamin Franklin
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Future of high speed 760 mph ground transportation
The rest of the World is taking greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution seriously and moving to less polluting modes of transportation.
BUT and this is a BIG BUT - NOT San Diego County!
The County's new expanding McClellan-Palomar Airport (CRQ) Master Plan will dump tons and tons more GHG into our atmosphere?
Who's protecting our health and quality of life?
Not our County Board of Supervisors nor our City Council Members!
Contact your County Board Member and ask the hard WHY questions!
(Click the above to read the questions)
With the paradigm shifting in "Self-Driving" environmental friendly transportation,
San Diego County's reasons to expand CRQ are no longer valid!
Click above to see Report
Meet the Self-Driving Vehicle Future
2021 Self-Driving Public Transportation Around the World
2018 to 2020

Nov. 2017 - General Motors announced it's self-driving ride-sharing Chevy Bolt. Scheduled to be first tested on the streets of San Francisco, CA .
Why are automakers racing to develop fully autonomous vehicles and mobility services? The simple answer is money.
In 2017, Goldman Sachs predicted the global ride-hailing market could be worth $285 Billion by 2030. Removing the driver from the business model would improve the profit from $65 Billion to $220 Billion. The Goldman Sachs article predicted automakers operating fully autonomous vehicles could see $14,000 profit over three (3) years or nine (9) time the average profit they make by selling a single vehicle.
July 27, 2018 - Not a test, BUT a real owner of a
Tesla Model 3 with Autopilot Accident Avoided
July 2018 - 8 Million miles, December 2018, 10 Million fully autonomous miles.
December 5, 2018 - Waymo starts live ride-shearing service in Phoenix AZ.
Shuttle Vehicles
Fully Autonomous "Last Mile" Shuttles
NOW being testing in :
Las Vegas, NV started in 2018
Denver, CO started Jan. 29, 2019

Fisker Orbit Electric
Fisker Orbit is an electric, connected and autonomous (driverless) shuttle for smart cities, campuses, and other geo-fenced routes to provide an exciting, clean and congestion free mobility solution. It is fun, exciting and inviting.”
- Henrik Fisker

Tesla Electric Semi Truck - Orders to date 500 plus
Deliveries starting in 2021 or 2022.
Aug. 10, 2018 - California Highway Patrol inspectors wrote on their Facebook page:
“The future has arrived…….The new Tesla truck tractor was inspected today at the facility.”