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"Half a truth is often a great lie."
Benjamin Franklin
Council Meeting
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March 27, 2019 - Carlsbad signed a Settlement Agreement with the County of San Diego on its McClellan-Palomar Airport lawsuit. But "c4fa" forced a re-vote on the approval of the settlement because the original signing evidently violated the Brown Act. That re-vote occurred in the May 7, 2019 City Council meeting. In that meeting the motion to approve the settlement agreement passed with 4 for and 1 against vote. "c4fa" is NOW the ONLY entity left to protect the interest of Carlsbad and its surrounding communities residents' health, welfare and quality of life!
Click here and select Item 6 to see the complete discussion and vote.
Below are excerpts from Carlsbad's May 7, 2019 City Council Meeting.
This is not a Complete "Do Over" Part 1
Contracts Need Specificity
The Principle of the Path

Carlsbad's Consulting Attorney Mr. Peter Kirsch
This is not a Complete "Do Over" Part 2
We Can Do Better
Coming Soon
Resident from Vista and President of the SVC (South VISTA Communities) - "This used to be yellow & the patio cover was white."

Carlsbad Council Member Cori Schumacher
AB-32 and SD County
We the People insist on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from our elected officials.
WITH ALL THE BELOW FACTS KNOWN - on October 10, 2018, San Diego County Board of Supervisors STILL voted 4 to 0 to expand McClellan-Palomar Airport from a small aircraft B-II Airport into a MUCH MORE POLLUTING large jet Class D-III Airport.
WITH THIS VOTE and many other business favoring votes over the last years, SAN DIEGO COUNTY seems to be interesting in one and only one option. THAT OPTION SEEMS TO BE NOT complying with California AB 32 and protecting the health of its residents.

1,300 gallons = 32,500 - 3,000 lbs. cars travailing 1 mile!
"Planes use the most fuel, and produce the most harmful emissions, during takeoff."
Source WorldWatch Institute
May 11, 2019, Carbon dioxide levels hit new landmark at 415 ppm, highest in human history! NOT just since CO2 levels have been recorded, BUT THE HIGHEST EVER IN HISTORY!
BOTTOM LINE - Exxon and also Shell knew the above fact in 1982 and still did nothing to stop the tons and tons of CO2 spewing into the atmosphere. UNBELIEVABLE! So much for the "1970 Earth Day Movement", its continued annual celebration and its support from our politicians!
Now the fact is we may be feeling the increasing effects from the 1982 predicted Global Warming, but our children's children will be the ones greatly impacted if WE DO NOT DO OUR PART TO STOP the proven increasing GHG pollution into the atmosphere! An expanding airport and ALL the tons and tons of pollution it brings is not needed in this community.
Another sad fact, San Diego County seems to be in lock step with the politicians of the past. No matter what San Diego County politicians say, the fact is the county's climate action plan has been rejected by the state, not once, not twice, but three times. Furthermore the county is now on its sixth (6) appeal in court over its failure to meet California AB 32 on a housing development in North County. AND NOW San Diego County wants to expand Palomar Airport into an airport capable of accommodating 737's.
It is now more than obvious San Diego County and its politicians are not looking out for its residents health. If they were they would not be spending millions of dollars of tax payer monies on losing lawsuits, instead it would be spending tax payer monies on complying with California AB- 32 environmental requirements.

Heading 2
Matt Suporting CRQ
Is Mayor Hall Supporting the Airport Expansion OR Protecting Carlsbad's Health and Quality of Life?
Carlsbad's previous Mayors Frazee, Casler and Lewis built Carlsbad into what it is today. They also actively and tirelessly campaigned to keep the airport a small recreational airport. However, Mayor Hall seems NOT interested in preserving what Carlsbad previous mayors built OR protecting the health, quality of life or property values of Carlsbad residents.
Since before 2010, Mayor Hall seems to have be working constantly to support expanding the airport. Even though he has been told more than once - per the World Health Organization, AMA & EPA - Commercial airports are among the worst environmental contaminated environments.
"Palomar airport conversation started around 2010" with who - Bill Horn?
May 7, 2019 - Mayor Hall Downplaying Impact
of Palomar Airport Expansion
The above video sounds logical, BUT has nothing to do with the reality of the day OR the new future D-III approved airport.
The fact is in 1999 the airport recorded 291,873 takeoff - landing's but only 421 noise complaint. BUT, in 2018, there were only 122,758 takeoff-landing's recorded AND 7,203 noise complaints. Guess the mayor did not think that increase in noise complaints for so many fewer plans means there is a noise issue for the community created by the airport. After all, according to the mayor, the community was told in there title documents it was moving around an airport.
Furthermore, you find no mention in the mayor's above soundbite of the new a D-III airport and its 737's and/or Fedex/UPS 757's aircraft; 24/7, GHG pollution and noise. AND, no mention of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors' approving converting Palomar into a Class D-III airport to take the pressure off of San Diego International, e.g., “Our county airports serve in part as a way to add air travel capacity to our region and take the pressure off the San Diego International Airport (SAN).” Supervisor Greg Cox OR Supervisor. Then there was Supervisor Bill Horn saying - "You can't come in to SAN after 12" (midnight). Fact you need to know - Palomar will be open 24/7!
Mayor Hall Supporting Airlines, Runway
and Airport Expansion . BUT NOT the health of Carlsbad residents!
2011 CP AIR First
Preview Flight

Chamber of Commerce
with the sounds of jets taking off, Mayor Hall was quoted saying:
"The Sound of Money."

From the "Desk of Matt Hall"
Support for the
County Airport.
2013 Supporting Runway Extension

Photo by Alison St John
State of the City Meeting
Mayor Hall was asked about the runway extension, his answer was - it's not a big deal.
2015 Biz Air

2017 Cal Jet Inaugural Celebration

October 10. 2018, the San Diego Board of Supervisors approved to Expanding Palomar Airport into a FAA Design Class - C/D-III Airport.
Below is Mayor Hall's IN FAVOR Speaker Slip for that meeting with the "Speak as an Individual" Box is checked.
After Mayor Hall's completed the above factual, but not relevant history lesson video, a motion was made to comply with the public speakers request for the Council to take a stand regarding the County's C/D-III airport expansion option.
Below is the telling result of the vote.
Green = Opposed Expansion Red = In Favor

Mayor Hall Also Downplayed the Power of CUP 172
Today Mayor Hall is also downplaying the power of CUP 172 and saying the City has no power to stop the airport expansion. We need to meet and talk about the facts, but it seems Carlsbad is not interested in face to face meetings to learn the real facts and documented history, e.g., 1987 the County committed to - the runway would never grow beyond its then present 4,700 feet. Today it is 4,897 feet and will grow to 5,697 feet or longer with the approval of the new 20 Year Master Plan. So much for County honoring its commitments.

Bill Horn 2012 Election Campaign Quote

FINALLY back to Mayor Hall's "Palomar airport conversation started around 2010" with who - Bill Horn? statement.
In searching the internet, Supervisor's Bill Horn, Greg Cox, Ron Roberts and Mayor Matt Hall all started to attend the SANDAG committee together in 2007. In 2010, SANDAG started the conversation about San Diego International (SAN) reaching capacity and how to best serve the projected increase in San Diego air traffic. Those discussions stated with considering Brown Field and McClellan-Palomar (CRQ) will accommodate the overflow traffic. As time went on Brown field was dropped from the conversation.
Based on the document of the time, since 2007, Mayor Hall has been Carlsbad's representative on SANDAG. As such, he would be well aware of SANDAG and other agency's future plans for McClellan-Palomar. The documents found thus far, show as SAN reaches capacity, CRQ will take SAN less profitable air traffic and including SAN air traffic after midnight to 7:00 AM because of SAN's curfew hours.
BOTTOM LINE - with that knowledge, the above history timeline can no longer be interpreted as mayor just doing his job and showing support for new businesses in Carlsbad.
Is Matt Supporting CRQ Expansion
The above is ALL interesting, but aging, isn't a mayor suppose to increase business opportunities in the city?
Absolutely true, BUT NOT at the cost of the residents health, quality of life and property values! AND do not forget, Palomar is a County owned airport. Why is the County Supervisor not at every celebration? Why is Mayor Hall there representing the San Diego Supervisor?
ONE MORE TIME, Mayor Hall is responsible for protecting the health and welfare of Carlsbad's 120,000 plus residents, not being a front person for San Diego County.
FACTS ABSOLUTE being ignored by Mayor Hall.:
The FAA, EPA and AMA ALL have shown an expanding C/D-III airport will negatively impact Carlsbad's residents health, quality of life and property values.
Mayor Hall has been given that information and seems to be ignored it.
Back to the original question,
"Is Mayor Hall Supporting the Airport Expansion OR Carlsbad's Health and Quality of Life?"
Given the last 20 years of overwhelming scientific, medical and real estate value research along with the conclusions of all that research, we have to conclude Mayor Hall's continued support of the expansion of Palomar into a FAA Design Class C/D-III airport is suspect. At best - Mayor Hall is either unaware of the data (unlikely since we have supplied that information to him) OR at worse - he is ignoring the scientific/medical data.
No mater the reason, by Mayor Hall's continuing support for the expansion of Palomar Airport is now unconscionable.
The following issues around commercial airport are now well documented and readily available for any pollination to learn the truth:
The FAA and Orange County, CA "Property Devaluation" reports around commercial airports
AMA "Health Issue" reports around commercial airports
WHO "Aircraft Noise" reports and how aircraft noise is related to increased health issues
(Click here to see the linked information on the bottom of Home Page)
Our conclusion - Mayors Frazee, Casler and Lewis made sure Palomar could not grow beyond the small recreational airport it was in the 70's and 80's and the County agreed to that vision when it agreed to the terms of Ordinance 21.53.015 and CUP 172.
As such, Mayor Hall either needs to vigorously defend and protect Carlsbad's laws and his residents health, quality of life, property values and quit supporting the County's planned airport expansion OR Step Aside.
Mayors Frazee, Casler and Lewis worked too hard building the dream Carlsbad has become and why 112,000 plus residents invested in Carlsbad. Most importantly and foremost, the documentation from the time leaves no doubt that Carlsbad's previous mayors vision was not to allow Carlsbad to be destroyed by its small recreational aircraft airport expanding into the San Diego Board of Supervisor's approved County C/D-III airport directly in the center of our community.
~ Click the below to see how the rest of the country and world regards TODAY'S Carlsbad. ~
Carlsbad, CA
The envy of the country, if not the world.
Click the above link to see the late Mark Haines' comment on Carlsbad in his CNBC morning show.

The above photo speaks volumes on what is most important to Carlsbad residents.
For the politicians who do not recognize what their constituents desire most or the meaning of the above photo - IT IS NOT:
Breathing additional tons and tons of GHG.
Breathing jet fuel soot that will be deposited in our lungs, on our patio covers and patio furniture.
Breathing the jet engine exhausts full of small participants that have been proven to causes serious damage to children, adult and senior's respiratory systems.
The constant (24/7) jet engine noise (ALL throughout Carlsbad and its surrounding communities). FYI - the expansion will allow heavier and larger Class C/D-III aircraft to use McClellan-Palomar Airport in the near future!
For example the 737 is a C-III aircraft.

1,300 gallons of jet fuel (GHG) pollution left in Carlsbad Per Takeoff
That is equivalent to 32,500 - 25 MPG cars going 1 mile
"Planes use the most fuel, and produce the most harmful emissions, during takeoff."
Source WorldWatch Institute
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